Loudoun Mutual Insurance Company is rated A- (Excellent) by AM Best, the premier insurance rating organization. A.M. Best ratings are issued on over 3,500 companies in more than 80 countries worldwide. Best’s Credit Ratings are recognized as a benchmark for assessing a rated organization’s financial strength as well as the credit quality of its obligations.
Loudoun Mutual has served as Virginia’s property insurance specialist since 1849. We offer multiple programs to protect your home and financial interests. In addition to our standard homeowners policy, we offer several packages of optional coverages.
For homes that qualify, Loudoun Mutual offers the Guardian Plus endorsement which includes the following Guardian coverages:
Plus these additional coverages:
For select home and estates, Loudoun Mutual offers the MasterGuard Program. The program is designed to provide coverage for higher valued residences and includes broader coverage and higher limits for both the dwelling and personal property. The policy contract is a Form 5, which offers the broadest coverage of any insurance policy readily available. Some highlights are:
Your home depends upon equipment like electrical panels, HVAC systems, as well as media equipment and appliances. Here are just some of the types of equipment covered by Home Systems Protection coverage for mechanical and electrical breakdowns:
Service Line Coverage – For the home’s exterior underground utility exposures your home depends upon its underground utility pipes and lines. Service Line provides coverage for leak, break, tear, rupture, collapse or arcing of a “covered service line” possibly caused by root infiltration, freeze, electrical arcing, wear and tear, rust, corrosion, or other defined causes of loss. Here are just some of the types of underground service lines and pipes covered:
Identity Recovery Coverage combines identity theft insurance with services that help victims restore their credit history and identity records to pre-theft status. These services include:
Identity Recovery Coverage FAQs
Claim Scenarios for Homeowners
This summary is intended for informational purposes only and does not modify or invalidate any of the provisions, exclusions, terms or conditions of the policy and endorsements. For specific terms and conditions, please refer to the coverage form.
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